Defining Render Hooks

Learn about Render Hook field attribute.

The Render Hook field attribute is used to style the current cell (list cell or mask field) and/or the current context.


$.getValue(["<XmlFieldName>"[, "<Alias>"]])

Returns the value of a field with the given XML name and from the record with the given alias, if present.

$.getValue() without any parameters returns the value of the current field, i.e. the field for which the render hook is defined.


XML name of the field


Used to get values from parent records:

If the default link is used, specify the info area ID (e.g. "MA").

If another link is used, specify info area ID + link ID (e.g. "FI1", "FI2"), see Link IDs.

Note: $.getValue() always returns the field content as provided by the core. Therefore, when using other than text fields, you need to use a conversion function or escape e.g. number formatting by a replace statement. When using catalog fields you need to specify the catalog code instead of the catalog value.
Note: To get a field's value as provided by the core, use alert($.getValue("<XMLFieldName>"));


Sets the formatting of a field.



Sets the font color of the field's value.


Sets the background color of the field.


Sets the background color of the field's context.


JavaScript color name (e.g. "red") or hexadecimal color code e.g. ("#ff0000").


$.imageAdd("<imageName>", "<size>")

Adds an image in front of the field value.


Replaces the field value by an image.


Name of an image file in ..\images\<theme e.g. update>\, e.g. "image.png"


This optional parameter for $.imageAdd allows you to specify an image size (e.g. $.imageAdd("CAT_AQ_" + $.getValue(), "xs");).

Possible values:

"xs" ... 14x14"s" ... 16x16nothing ... 32x32"lg" ... 48x48"xl" ... 64x64

Note: A PNG file with the specified suffix (*-xs.png) must be available in ..\images\<theme>, otherwise nothing is displayed. For more information, see the article “Image Naming Guidelines” at


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the field.


Name of the CSS style and path to the CSS file relative to the application path separated by comma, e.g. "myBoldStyle","../styles/custom.theme/custom.css"

Render Hook definitions containing syntax errors are ignored and a message is written to the client log.

You can define Render Hook functions for all field types.

Note: Highlighting Boolean fields: Use $.setBackgroundColor (since the check box itself is an image and its color can therefore not be changed using $.setColor).

Render Hook functions work for List, Expand/Quick and Minidetails views in both View and Edit mode. Exceptions: imageAdd and imageReplace only work for List and Minidetails views and only in View mode.

You can only set conditions for fields that are part of the control's configuration: The rendering function is not activated if either the field where the Render Hook is defined or the comparison field(s) used in the JavaScript code are not configured in the current view. Therefore, if a condition uses a field from a linked info area, you need to configure this field into the control as a (hidden) linked field. For further details, see Add Linked Fields.


To set the formatting of a field:


To define conditional formatting for a field:

  • If the Postal Code field of a company (XML name: "ZipCode") is empty or undefined, set the background color to red:
    if (!$.getValue("ZipCode"))
  • For person records, if the Postal Code of the parent company has a value between 1000 and 1999, set the context background color to pale green:
    if	($.getValue("ZipCode","FI")>=1000 &&
  • If a company's Postal Code has the value "1040", set the font color to red, in all other cases set it to blue:
    if	($.getValue("ZipCode")==1040)
  • If a company's Revenue field has exactly the value "1.000.000", set the font color to red; if it has a value below 1.000.000, set the background color to grey; if it has a value above 1.000.000, display an image in front of the value:
    var _strText = $.getValue("Revenue").replace(/\./g, "" );
                      var _revenue = parseInt(_strText);
                      if (_revenue == 1000000) {$.setColor("red");};
                      if (_revenue < 1000000) {$.setBackgroundColor("grey");};
                      if (_revenue > 1000000) {$.imageAdd("ico_Sales.png");};
  • Set the font color, if the Subject of an activity contains a certain string:
    var _searchFor = "update"
                      var _string = $.getValue().toLowerCase();
                      StringContains = _string.indexOf(_searchFor) != -1;
                      if (StringContains) {$.setColor("green");}
  • Set the background color of a ticket's Priority field for open tickets only (i.e. field Status (XML name "AccSwitch") != "Closed"):
    if ($.getValue("AccSwitch")!=2)
                      if ($.getValue()==1)
                      else if ($.getValue()==3)

To define conditional formatting based on catalog values you need to specify the value's code/external key/ID:

  • Set the font color depending on a company's country:
    if	($.getValue("Country")=="2")
                      Since the codes of variable catalogs may not be unique in your environment, you can define a render hook using external keys instead:
                      var code = $.getValue();
                      var catalogField ="FI", "Country");
                      var externalKey =, code);
                      if (externalKey == "100_2_42") {$.setColor("blue");}
  • Add icons to the Activity Type field e.g. in MA's MiniDetails view:
    var _cnt = $.getValue("Contact");
                      switch (_cnt) {
                      case "0":
                      case "1":
                      case "5":
  • Add an exclamation mark to the Subject field for tickets with Priority "high":
                      else $.imageAdd("u8-shim.png");

To define conditional formatting based on a Boolean field:

  • Different coloring for true/false:
    if	($.getValue("FreeL1") == u8.session.localeSettings.booleanTrue)
  • Display an icon for recurring activities (as configured in the MA List control in UPDATE_DEFAULT):
    var isSerialContact =$.getValue("IsSerialContact"));
                      $.imageAdd(isSerialContact ? "ico_recurring.png" : "shim.png"); 
To define conditional formatting per rep (e.g. for the activity list):
var	_rep=$.getValue("Rep");
               if	( _rep == u8.session.identity.repName)
               if	(_rep == "Administrator")
Available functions for identifying the current rep. For further details, see u8.session.identity.

Render Hooks with date/time:

  • Display scheduled activities for today and older in another color:
    var dtToday = new Date();
                      var u8date =$.getValue("Date"));
                      if (u8date <= dtToday && $.getValue("Status")=="0")
  • Comparing dates: To set a different row color for To-Dos linked to Activities with Date (MA) = StartDate (TD) define the following for the Starts on field in TD. (Don't forget to configure the Starts on field from MA into the TD List control.)
    var _getMAStartDt = $.getValue("Date","MA");
                      var _TDStartDt = $.getValue();
                      if (_getMAStartDt == _TDStartDt) {$.setContextBackgroundColor("yellow");}
  • Comparing times (by extracting the time from a date field):
    var _todayDt = new Date().stripTime();
                      var _freeD1  =$.getValue()).stripTime();
                      if (_todayDt.getTime() == _freeD1.getTime())
To manipulate the contents of a text field, e.g to truncate the document key information when listing checked out documents define the following for the Text field in the T3.Documents List and Details controls:
var text = $.getText();
               text = text.substring(0, text.indexOf("<"));
Using customized CSS definitions: Create a CSS file with custom CSS classes. Import your CSS file into your main CSS file. For further details, see Customizing Styles. Use your CSS classes in your Render Hook definitions, e.g. in FI:
if ($.getValue("ZipCode") == "1040") {$.addClass("myCustomCSSClass","../styles/custom.theme/custom.css");}
Note: Border styles are not displayed correctly in Google Chrome.