Configuring Line Breaks and Truncating Texts

Display texts with line breaks, truncated, or wrapped, in a list header and list row field of a search result or query result.

You can configure a list view to display text with line breaks, truncated, or wrapped, in a list header and list row field of a search result or query result.

To truncate text set the List.TruncateTextsInLists configuration parameter to true. For more informaton, see List.TruncateTextsInList.

To wrap the texts in a list view header or row, perform the following steps:
  1. Copy a custom CSS file to the \web\styles\custom.theme folder with the content shown below. In this case lets call it custom.css.
        white-space: normal !important;
  2. Import the above CSS file in update.css located in the same location (\web\styles\custom.theme).
  3. In the CRM.Designer go to the Field Group for the target expand.
  4. Select the header or row field whose text content should contain a line break.
  5. In the panel on the right, check the Render Hook option, and add $.addClass("multiLineCell") in the expression box.

  6. Save the Field Group then invalidate the cache to apply the new configuration. The resulting field should have line breaks as shown in the sample screenshot below: