
If you have created a new system DLL with the SDK to replace the TAPI interface, you can include this library ini the MSI package using the compiler in the SDK, in order to include the DLL in the package distributed to your users.

Update Software AG creates MSI packages using the "Windows Installer XML (WiX) Toolset".

The required files are located in the PhoneDeploymentPacketCompiler directory.

To add the DLL to the MSI package:

  1. Copy the DLL to where the other files (e.g.uppTapiExt.dll) are located in the master setup’s directory.
  2. Edit the updateCRMphone_fullinstallation.wxs file as necessary:
    Search for the entry Name=uppTapiExt.dll entry:
    Replace the name of the file (uppTapiExt.dll) with the name of the new DLL (xxyyzz.dll in the example).
  3. Execute Create_UpdateCRMphone_setup_fullinstallation.bat to compile the new MSI package.
    The new MSI package is created and stored in the /PhoneDeploymentPacket/ directory. It now includes the new file (e.g. xxyyzz.dll instead of uppTapiExt.dll).
    Note: update software AG supplies the entire XML source used to create the MSI packages. If you make additional changes to the XML source (beyond the change described in this chapter), update software AG assumes no responsibility for any problems and errors that may occur with the resulting installation and will not provide support.