Historical Mail Audit Reports

The Archive Searches History Report includes information on the organization’s Email Archival features.

To view events related to historical mail archived:

  1. From the AMS Admin Console navigation menu, click Audit Reports.
  2. Under the Historical Mail section, click the name of the report you want to view:
Report Description

Archive Searches

To view the history of archive search audited events. Only search performed by administrators or members of reviewer groups are audited.

Archive Activity

To view a list of Recovery Archive files created during Continuity or via discovery archive.

Recovery Archives To view a list of Recovery Archive audited events.
Retention Policies To view a list of audited events related to the creation, edition or deletion of retention policies.
Reviewer Groups To view a detailed list of Reviewer Group permissions audited events.
User Classification Displays lists of messages that were flagged during the processing of User Classification Retention Policies. This audit report is available only for organizations using the optional User Classification feature.

These reports show the following data:

Column Description Notes


The action taken.

The event type may vary according to the report function.


The user responsible for the event.



The time and date the event was initiated.

Time is shown using hh:mm:ss AM/PM format, based on a 12-hour clock and your time zone.

Date is shown in MM-DD-YYYY format.

Originating IP

The IP address of the system used for the event.


On the report search page, you can narrow the report to include only events logged for specific users by entering the user name or email address in the search field and clicking Search. You can use % as a wildcard for any search.

To export all logged events to a CSV file, click Export. Choose the location where to save the export and key in a file name. Click Save.


When you export an audit report to CSV, all logged events are exported. The export file does not limit events based on any filter or search you may have applied to the displayed report.