Enabling Outlook Extension Authentication Through Command Line

Outlook Extension uses an authentication token stored at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MessageOne\EMS\Profile Info\<profile name>\AuthToken to allow a user to use the Extension features without having to log in to Aurea Messaging Solutions. The token can be created by a user logging in with a password, or the administrator can use the PrepareOutlookAuth tool to create the token. After the authentication token is set, the user will not need to log in again during an activation or while using other Extension features.


For best results, run this command a day or two before deploying the Outlook Extension, so that the SyncManager has time to complete a sync before the software is installed for users. Otherwise, users must restart Outlook again after the next directory sync.

PrepareOutlookAuth is installed on the same machine that hosts the SyncManager. You must complete a directory sync before running PrepareOutlookAuth.

The following arguments are available.

Argument Definition

Updates authentication for all users. It walks through all user mailboxes and writes an authentication token to a hidden message if a token is not already present. The message is stored in the associated Contents table of the IPM_SUBTREE folder. If you have developer tools such as MFCMapi or Outlook Spy, you can look at the Associated Contents table of the IPM_SUBTREE folder for the message with the subject Authentication.


prepareoutlookauth.exe -all


Writes authentication tokens to all mailboxes (even if a token is already present)

-user <mailboxDN>

Writes an authentication token for a specific user only (even if a token is already present).

The Mailbox DN value comes from the Active Directory value legacyExchangeDN. Use ADSI Edit to find this value. The value must be entered in lower case, in quotes (for example: “/o=first organization/ou=first administrative group/cn=recipients/cn=testuser”


prepareoutlookauth.exe -user “mailboxdn”

-primarySMTPAddress <primary email address>

Outlook token update for a single user defined by their primary SMTP email address.
Can be shortened to -p <primary email address>


prepareoutlookauth.exe -primarySMTPAddress test_1@sample.com

-inputFile "full_path\filename.txt"

Outlook token update for all users listed in an input file.
The input file must be a text file, containing valid primary SMTP addresses, one email address per line.


prepareoutlookauth.exe -inputFile "C:\path\OutlookUpdateEmailAddresses.txt"

-exchangeServerFile “full_path\filename.txt”

Outlook token update for all users belonging to Exchange servers that are listed in an input file.
The input file must be a text file, containing valid Exchange server addresses, one server address per line.


prepareoutlookauth.exe -exchangeServerFile “C:\path\ExchangeServerList.txt”


Enables verbose output


Displays usage information

To authenticate users through the command line (prior to Outlook Extension deployment)

  1. Open a command-line prompt on the server on which SyncManager is installed.
  2. Go to the following directory: C:\[Program Files (x86)]\Aurea\Outlook Addin\
  3. Run prepareoutlookauth.exe using the appropriate flag as documented in the previous table.
  4. Wait for the new mailbox properties to take effect. This may take up to 24 hours.

Install Outlook Extension using one of the documented processes. When a user starts Outlook, the Extension toolbar appears, and the user has access to Extension features without entering his password.