Vicinity Search

Use the GeoSearch action template to configure the Vicinity Search, see GeoSearch.

The Vicinity Search is a location-based search. Max. three different info areas can be searched. The search starts at the current location by default, however, the user can enter a different starting point.

You need to define the following:

  • Application Menu Action: Create a new Application Menu Action and assign the GeoSearch action.
  • Search&List: Ensure that the GPS coordinate fields were added to the List control that is referenced by the assigned Search&List. The GPS coordinate fields must be defined as described in Adding a Map.
  • Filter: The Location filter is applied, see Location Filters.
  • Details control: If you want to start the Vicinity Search from a company or person record (i. e. the position of that record is used as the starting point for the search), define a button and assign the GeoSearch action.
    1. Enter the following JSON in the AdditionalParameters input argument:


      If no GPS coordinates are available for your current location, you can define that the address is used as fallback:

      {"GPSX":"$GPSX$","GPSY":"$GPSY$","GpsCity":"$GpsCity$", "GpsStreet":"$GpsStreet$", "GpsCountry":"$GpsCountry$"}

    2. You must also define the following Extended Options for the corresponding fields in the List control (otherwise they cannot be applied):
      • {"GPS":"City"}
      • {"GPS":"Street"}
      • {"GPS":"Country"}.
  • Further settings:
    • The user can define the radius of the search area with a slider. You can define the max. radius with the DistanceFilter.MaxValue Web Configuration parameter, see DistanceFilter.MaxValue.
    • The label displayed are taken from the filter's Display text.
    • If multiple info areas are used, the user can de-select certain filters by clicking on them. The display text of the filter is used as a label.