Link IDs

Create relationships between different Info Area with multiple links.

In Aurea CRM's generic data model, it is possible to define multiple links between two info areas. For Example, you can link two different persons to one project, as the project leader and the project assistant.

Numeric IDs identify links. The first link to an info area always has link ID zero: this is the default link. Additional links to the same info area (DUPLICATE), have ID 1, ID 2, etc.

You can find the number ranges for link IDs based on their type and context. See  Link IDs in the CRM.Core Administrator Guide.

To identify the correct link when e.g. creating a query in CRM.Designer, you need to specify the link ID. For further information, see Specifying Link IDs.

To prevent users from selecting the wrong link (e.g. in the Modify List Fields dialog), you can define meaningful Link Names to be displayed in Aurea CRM.Web instead of the numeric link IDs. For additional information, see Link Names.