List Parameters

This topic holds information about List parameters.


Description: If checked, the list header offers an icon allowing users to open the MiniDetails section of all search result records with one click.

Default: Checked

Type: Checkbox


Description: These parameters allow the global definition of list and sub-list parameters. The settings can be overridden for individual sub-lists and lists.

For information on the available list and sub-list parameters, see ListParams.


<Name>,<Value>;<Name2>,<Value2>; etc.



Default: Undefined

Type: Character


Description: Defines the hotkey for activating the Related Data area.

Default: Alt+0

Type: Character


Description: The parameter defines the default action that is called when a user double-clicks an item in a sub-list. For more details, see Default Action.

Default: A_ShowDefaultAction

Type: Character


Description: Defines the default context menu used in sub-lists. The default value displays the info area default menu for each sub-list.

Default: %%

Type: Character


Description: If set to true, the texts in list headers and list rows are truncated, and an ellipses (...) is added to indicate the omission of text. Tooltips display the complete text with an icon to copy the text. If set to false the text is wrapped. This parameter is part of UPDATE_DEFAULT.

Default: False

Type: Checkbox


Description: The parameter allows the selection of an item in a catalog list of items in a catalog array multiple times. If this property is set to false, the item is removed from the list of items displayed. The default value is true. This parameter is part of UPDATE_DEFAULT.

Default: False

Type: Checkbox


Description: Setting this parameter to true hides the fields not used in the Modify List Fields and Query definitions.

Default: False

Type: Checkbox