Record Parameters

This topic holds information about Record parameters


Description: Defines the default action that is called when a record is clicked. For further details, see  Default Action.

Default: A_Expand

Type: Character


Description: If set to true, the record history (H0) only displays a sub-set of columns. For further details, see Displaying a Record's History. The ID, Windows User Name, Windows Computer Name and Application columns are hidden.

Default: Unchecked.

Type: Checkbox


Description: Support of the new Tree View configuration option DoNotJumpToNewRecord is added.

If set to true, the record tree node does not switch content in case that a new record is added in the same info area. The list of records is kept in the content area and no details of newly added record are shown:

The option can have a value of true or false. If the value is blank it defaults to false.

Default: False

Type: Widget Options