Analysis Parameters

This topic holds the Activity parameters.


Description: If checked, the input the user provides for filters is case-sensitive.

Default: Unchecked

Type: Checkbox


Description: Defines the number of decimal places for Count values in analyses.

Default: #,0, i.e., no decimal places

Type: Character


Description: Defines which date segmentation options are available:

Separate multiple entries by a comma. Users see the categories in the order they are defined here.

For further information, see Analysis Date Categories.

Default: DateMonthly,DateQuarterly,DateYearly,$

Type: List


Description: Defines the maximum number of records read for the base query of an analysis. If the number of rows returned exceeds this value, a message is displayed.

Enter -1 for All.

Default: 1000

Type: Number


Description: Applies the Fusion Chart's number formatting to analysis charts instead of the standard CRM datamodel number formatting.

Default: Undefined

Type: CheckBox


Description: If you use a text field or a variable catalog as an analysis category and Analysis.RegardEmptyValues is checked, all values – including empty ones – are regarded by the analysis. To ignore empty catalog values, uncheck the parameter.

This parameter is not part of UPDATE_DEFAULT but needs to be created if required.

Default: Unchecked

Type: Checkbox


Defines the user's rights for loading, saving and executing analyses. Same options as for the Query.Rights parameter, see Query.Rights.

If set to disabled, the Analysis page in Aurea CRM.Web is not available. However, analyses that are directly integrated into a menu can still be executed, e.g., the Sales Funnel in the BTB version.

Default: All

Type: Combobox


Description: Use this parameter to define whether catalog values locked via the Maintenance module are displayed in analyses. The following options are available.

Default: Display Locked Catalog Values

Type: Combobox


Description: Defines the number of result rows displayed in the table grid view of an analysis result page. It is part of the UPDATE_DEFAULT configuration.

Default: 10

Type: Number


Description: Defines whether the duplicate entries are skipped or not. If set to True, the record id in the duplicate record is the same and hence skipped in the sum calculation. If set to False, the duplicate record fetched in AQL is maintained as a unique record by generating unique record id.This is resulting in counting each entry in the count (default behaviour of any analysis).

Default: False

Type: Checkbox