Export Parameters

This topic holds information about Export parameters.


Description: Defines the separator for CSV files.

Default: Tab

Type: Combobox


Description: By default, when a list or query contains rep ID fields with field type uid, these fields are transformed to include the rep name as string when displaying and exporting the list or query result. The same logic applies to participant fields.

If you want to export the IDs instead, set Export.EmitRepNames to false.

You can specify this option per report by using the Export.EmitRepNames export option, see Export Options.

Default: Undefined

Type: Character


Description: Defines the maximum number of records to export. Enter -1 to set the value to All.

Default: 1000

Type: Number


Description: Defines the character encoding for exporting queries, e.g., Export.Encoding=UTF-16. This setting is used as a fallback for reports where there is no character encoding specified in the action.

Default: Undefined

Type: Character


Description: If a query field is of the type Array, then on exporting the query result, all the fields in the Array are exported. Set this parameter to false to prevent all the fields from getting exported.

For example, on exporting the result of the query select (CoType, Company, Country) from (FI), all the fields of the array [Co.Type, Co.Type2, Co.Type3, Co.Type4, Co.Type5] are exported. To prevent this, set this parameter to false, in which case only Co.Type is exported.

Default: True

Type: Boolean


Description: If only one record is selected in a list and the user clicks on an export button, all currently visible records are exported. For further information, see Export/Report Buttons.

Check Export.SingleListRecord to offer the possibility to export only the selected record.

Default: Unchecked

Type: Checkbox


Description: Defines the type for data exports used for the Export buttons Direct Export and Direct Export All. The options available are:

  • CSV
  • XML

For further information, see Export/Report Buttons.

Default: CSV

Type: Combobox


Description: If checked, the Aurea CRM win report is created in-memory, instead of as a file. For details, see Creating Aurea CRM win Reports in Aurea CRM.Web.

Use Export.WinReportMemoryThreshold to specify a maximum file size used for in-memory creation, For further information, see the next parameter.

Default: Unchecked

Type: Checkbox


Description: Defines the maximum file size used for in-memory creation of Aurea CRM.Win reports. Value in KB.

If Export.WinReportAlwaysInMemory is checked and the defined Export.WinReportMemoryThreshold is exceeded; the report creation is aborted with an error message.

Default: 256

Type: Number


Description: If checked, additional information like field types and labels is included in the exported XML file.

         <Configuration UnitType="update.Configuration.Contracts.FieldControl" ControlName="Details" UnitId="5442" InfoAreaId="FI">
         <Tab TabIndex="4">
                   <Field Index="35" InfoAreaId="FI" TabNr="4">
                       <FieldAttribute Id="35" EditMode="15">CAT_ABC_{javascript:($['VALUE'] || '').toUpperCase();}</FieldAttribute>

You can specify this option per report by using the Export.Xml.EmitConfiguration export option. For further information, see Export Options.

Default: Undefined

Type: Checkbox


Description: By default, if a field contains line breaks, these line breaks are exported.

If you want to export data that is to be processed by some third-party system that does not support line breaks, uncheck Export.Xml.EmitLineBreaks.

You can specify this option per report by using the EmitLineBreaks export option. For details, see Export Options.

Default: Checked

Type: Checkbox


Description: By default, exported XML contains the actual info area ID and XML name of virtual info areas, see XML Export of Virtual Info Areas.

To export the physical info area ID and XML name instead, create and check the Web Configuration parameter Export.Xml.ExportPhysicalInfoAreaIds.

You can specify this option per report by using the Export.Xml.ExportPhysicalInfoAreaIds export option. See Export Options for details.

Default: Undefined

Type: Checkbox


Set this parameter to true to enable the use of Asian fonts to generate PDF reports for export. This allows the use of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean alphabets. Aurea CRM.Web uses Verdana fonts to generate PDF reports.

Default: False

Type: Checkbox