Unsubscribing Contacts from all mailing lists

If you have the Edit Global Email Settings permission, you can unsubscribe contacts from all mailing lists at once.


When you unsubscribe contacts from all mailing lists, the contacts are unsubscribed only from existing lists, and not from any lists you create in the future.

When you unsubscribe contacts, their status changes to Unsubscribed, but their information is not deleted. To see unsubscribed contacts on the Contacts page, select Unsubscribed from the Status drop down list.


For information about unsubscribing contacts from one mailing list, see Unsubscribing a Contact from a Mailing List.

You can unsubscribe contacts from all mailing lists in one of the following ways:


Unsubscribing contacts from all mailing lists might take a while, depending on the number of contacts you are unsubscribing.

You can see details about the unsubscribe task on the System Tasks page. A new task is created as the contact is unsubscribed from each mailing list, with the name of the list included in the task name.