Reviewer Groups

Archive users who are a member of a Reviewer Group have the ability to search and read emails or instant messages that are within the scope of that Reviewer Group, and to create Discovery or Recovery archives (see Search-Based Recovery Archives and Discovery Archives) and Retention Holds (see Query-Based Retention Holds).

Any AMS user can be designated as an Archive Reviewer.


To become an Archive Reviewer the user does not need to have a personal email archive that is part of a retention policy.

Only Super Admins or root account users can created, edit or delete Reviewer Groups. Administrators can view the Reviewer Group’s Mailbox Scope and list of Reviewers.

When creating Reviewer Groups, the Group’s Mailbox Scope is a feature that restricts the emails each Reviewer Group is able to access. The Mailbox Scope can be defined in terms of Users, User Sets, Mailing Lists and Servers, and any combination thereof.

For example, you could specify that reviewers John Doe and Jill Smith can view all email sent and received by the Sales User Set and three additional users who used to belong to the Sales department.

Email message Reviewer Groups also have the Advanced Options feature, which allows the scope to be further narrowed by an Archive query, such as a date range. To do this, you must use the same query language that is used to perform advanced searches in the archive. For more information, see Reviewer Group Email Scope Advanced Options.


All actions taken by administrators regarding reviewer groups (adding them, editing them, changing the scope of data available to them) are included in the audit trail. To access the audit report, go to Audit Reports > Reviewer Groups