Return Stubbed Files to User’s Mailbox

After removing a user from a Storage Management policy, email messages which had been stubbed (moved into storage and replaced with a link to the stored message) are not automatically unstubbed (the link removed and the attachment returned to the user’s mailbox).

To unstub a message use the unstub command line tool, which is available on the AMSVaultBox. See Unstub Command Line Tool for details.

Unstub all messages for a user:

  1. Log into the AMS Admin Console.
  2. Click User Administration, then click Export. The Export User Information page appears.
  3. Export the User Information file.
  1. Click the Export button. A File Download dialog box appears.
  2. In the File Download dialog box, click Save. A Save As window appears.
  3. Navigate to the location where you want to save the CSV file.
  4. If desired, provide a custom name for the file, but do not change the file suffix or file type.
  5. Click Save.
  1. Within the CSV file, locate the user whose message you want to unstub. Note the SystemID value for that user.
  2. Remove the user from the storage management policy. (Access the policy through the AMS Admin Console > Historical Mail > Storage Management.)
  3. Log into the VaultBox for this Storage Management Policy using the Active Directory Service Account.
  4. Open a command prompt and navigate to the ActiveMailbox directory (usually C:\Program Files\Aurea\ActiveMailbox\).
  5. Run the following command, with the SystemID value you noted for the user from the CSV file.
  6. unstub <SystemID> -verbose

  7. Check the log file (usually C:\UnstubCmd.log) for any messages indicating skipped files. Run the unstub command again if any skips are shown in the log file.