Sync Parameters

Learn about the sync parameters.


Add this parameter if you want to define that an incremental synchronization is carried out at specific time intervals. Use JSON syntax to specify the values.

Type: Character


{"hours" :[ 2,5,14,17],"weekdays":[4,6], "timezone":"America/New_York"}

The following options are available:

  • You must define one of the following options:
    • hour: The time of the day when data is synchronized. You can enter decimal values, e.g. 7,5 for 7:30 h.
    • hours: An array of hours when data is synchronized.
  • You can define that data is only synchronized on specific days:
    • weekday: Number of the desired day (1= Sunday, 7 = Saturday)
    • weekdays: Array of day numbers (e.g. [2,3,4,5,6] for Monday to Friday)
  • You can set a fixed time zone (i.e. the current time zone is ignored):

    timezone: Valid iPad time zone names, see System.iOSServerTimeZone.

    Note: By default, the time zone setting is inherited from the parent configuration.
  • You can combine different settings (i.e. different synchronization times on different days):

    alternates: Array of different definitions in the same format

    Example: {…, "alternates":[{"hour":5, "weekday":3} ,{ …}]}

    Note: If this configuration is invalid or not defined, the default interval for incremental synchronization is applied.


If enabled, the Update Configuration option is available on the control center's Synchronization page.

Default: true


Add this parameter and assign the Character type. As soon as this parameter is not empty, a button is displayed in the application as soon as a synchronization conflict occurs. With this button the user can switch to a page that lists all the conflicts for which an XML file exists. The user can send these XML file containing the data that caused the conflict by e-mail either for all conflicts or for individual conflicts by e-mail to a desired recipient.

Possible values:

  • E-mail address. e. g. of the administrator. This address is copied to the e-mail's To field.
  • #: The user can enter an e-mail address.


Defines that the incremental synchronization is carried out in the same server session.

Type: Checkbox


Defines, how documents are transferred:

  • OFF: Documents are not automatically transferred.
  • WLAN/UMTS/G2: Documents are only transferred, if the selected connection (or a better one) is available. If no connection is available, the documents are queued and the synchronization starts automatically as soon as a connection is available.

Default value: <empty>, resulting in the WLAN option being applied.

Type: Character

Note: This parameter does not influence manual document downloads.


Maximum size in KB of the document to be uploaded.

Type: Character


JSON-Array containing the MIME types that are included in the upload using non-WLAN connections

Example: ["application/pdf", "image/jpeg"]

Type: Character


Number of days after the last full synchronization when the user cannot access the application anymore.

This parameter and the Sync.FullSyncIntervalDays parameter are mutually exclusive.

Type: Character

Default: 28 (days after the last full synchronization)


Number of days after the last full synchronization when a full synchronization is carried out automatically.

This parameter and the Sync.FullSyncBlocIntervalDays parameter are mutually exclusive.

Type: Character

Default value: 21 (days after the last full synchronization)


Forces all users who login after the specified date and time to carry out a full synchronization of their CRM.pad application.

Type: DateTime


Number of days after the last full synchronization when a warning is displayed.

Type: Character

Default: 7 (days after the last full synchronization)


Allows the CRM.pad application to override preventive filters set on linked records and ensure that linked records are also synchronized.

For example, an appointment record is a linked record to a Person record, filters set on the appointment record might prevents it from being synchronized along with the Person record. Set this parameter to true to override the filters and complete the synchronization of the linked Appointment record. For more information, see Filters.

Type: Checkbox

Default: False


Defines the interval in minutes between automatic incremental synchronizations. Use this parameter if the device is connected by 3G or other means than WLAN.

Type: Character


Defines the interval in minutes between automatic incremental synchronizations, if a WLAN is available.

Type: Character


If enabled, the change language option is available on the synchronization page. If disabled, the user can only log on in his default language.

Default: true


The time span in seconds to correct the current time zone when synchronizing incrementally.

Default value: 10 seconds.

Type: Character

This parameter is not included in the update.tablet configuration.


Enable this to prevent the CRM.pad application from getting blocked when a background synchronization is in progress. This prevents the synchronization overlay screen from locking the application and users can continue to use other functions in the CRM.pad application.

Default: false (Unchecked).

Type: Checkbox

This parameter is part of the update.tablet configuration.