Executing Server Workflows

If you assign the TriggerExecution type to a row in a Legacy Form, a group containing a text, an optional description of the action and a button to start the execution of the action are displayed.

The button is not displayed if a field defined as Must Field is left empty.

Define the following options for this legacy form type:

  • ValueName: Name of the form row (can be referenced in other form items).
  • Func: You can define the following (separated by semicolon):
    • Source parameter (required), e. g. $CopyDate if the ValueName of the referenced ActionForm is CopyDate.
    • Record for which the action is executed (required), e. g. $Record.
    • Action type (copyRecord or Workflow) (required).
    • An additional configuration for the action (required if the copyRecord action type is assigned), either the workflow's name or a filter (if you use CopyRecord, see Copying Data Using a Trigger).

    Example: $CopyDate;$Record;CopyRecord;PR.CopyFilter

  • Text (separated by semicolon): Five texts are used in the area that is displayed in the application (where the user can start the workflow executions):
    • First text: The header name
    • Second text: Text displayed on the button before starting the execution
    • Third text: Text displayed on the button during the execution
    • Fourth text: Text displayed on the button after the execution
    • Fifth text: Text describing the executed action.

    If less than five texts are given, the last one is always used as description.

  • Options: If no additional configuration was given, the first record that was changed is transferred to the next dependent row in the form. You can define the result set with the following two options:
    • {"OutputInfoAreaId":[infoAreaId]}

      Example: {"OutputInfoAreaId" :MA } results in the first changed MA record being returned. It can be used by the next dependent row in the form.

    • {"FinishedAction":"[ContextMenuActionName]"}

      Example: {"FinishedAction":"SHOWRECORD"} results being passed to the given subsequent action (in this example to SHOWRECORD).

    • {"OutputMultiple": true}

      Example: {"OutputInfoAreaId":"MA", "OutputMultiple": true} results in all changed MA records being returned.