Occupation Reporting – LSI

The occupation reporting process allows you to document the work you have performed and submit your report for approval.

You can enter expenses per day for traveling and enter receipts as well as document the work that was performed (visit, conference etc.). Your superior (or an office rep) monitors and approves the reports you have submitted for each month.

Click on (Occupation Report) to generate an report containing all relevant information. Click on (Print) to print the report.

Occupation Reporting Process

The opportunity reporting process consists of three phases and is available to all employees.

Select (Daily business) > Occupation Report to start the process. The process is opened in phase 1 (Add).


Phase Tasks

1) Add

  • Displays an overview of all work requiring submission or which has been rejected (Approval status = "New" or "Rejected").
  • Add new reports

2) Edit

  • Enter expenses, receipts and work performed for each month

3) Check

  • Displays an overview of all work which has been approved or submitted (Approval status = "Approved" or "Submitted").

Click on the arrows in the header to switch between the various phases. Double-click on a record in phase 1 (Add) to open the record in phase 2 (Edit).

Further information on a phase is displayed using icons in the phase arrows. Move your mouse cursor over the arrows or icons to display a tooltip.

Note: The reports awaiting approval are displayed on the sale manager’s start page. Double-clicking on a record opens it in phase 2 (Edit).

Phase 1 - Add

In this phase, you can:

  • Display all work requiring submission or which has been rejected (Approval status = "New" or "Rejected").
  • Add new records
  • Edit rejected reports and resubmit them

To add a new record:

  1. Click on New Month.
  2. Select the year and month you want to add a record for.

    An approval record is added and default values are entered in some of the fields, e.g. User, Superior, Cost Center, Currency and Approval status. A record used to store expenses is also added for each day of the month, and default values are also entered in these records, e.g. User, Currency, Weekday, Workday.

To edit a record:

  1. Select the desired and record and select Open from the context menu. The record is opened in edit mode.

  2. Enter other details, e.g. enter a Comment.
  3. Save.
Note: Click on Previous to exit edit mode and close the record without saving.

Phase 2 - Edit

During this phase, you can enter details concerning the work you performed, and associated expenses and receipts.

Your work hours are entered automatically, however you can edit them. You administrator can define individual work hours for each user.

To edit the details of your work and expenses:

  1. While in phase 1 (Add), double-click on a record to switch to phase 2.

    The records for all days in the month are displayed. Click on to display the search area and define additional search criteria.

  2. Enter the details of the work you have performed for each applicable day.

    If you enter a value in the Occupation 1/4 cell, the same value is entered in all the Occupation cells. If you enter a value in the Occupation 2/4 cell, the same value is entered in Occupation 3/4 and Occupation 4/4 cells etc. If you edit an existing value, only that value is changed.

  3. Enable the check box in the Overnight stay cell should be taken into account (from the previous day to this day).

To enter expenses and receipts for a day:

  1. Double-click on a the day or select Select from the record’s context menu. Flat rates (e.g. for meals etc.) are entered automatically.

  2. Enter additional data such as the Departure city, whether a Company car or Hired car was used etc.
  3. Click on (New) on the Receipts tab to add a new receipt. Enter the desired data.

    The Total Flat Rates and Total receipts fields in the occupation record are calculated automatically and track the total expenses of each type.

  4. Save the record.
    Note: Click on Previous to exit edit mode and close the record without saving.

Click on (Submit) in the list of days to submit your entries for the month. Phase 3 (Check) is opened. The Approval status is automatically set to "Submitted". Your superior is informed on their start page that they need to approve your submission.

Note: Click on (Update) in the list of days to transfer activities entered in your calendar and receipts added during the call documentation process to the report.

Phase 3 - Check

In this phase, only those records whose Approval status is "Approved" or "Submitted" are displayed.

Select Open from a record’s context menu to open it. You cannot edit submitted or approved records.

The approval status is also color-coded: green = approved, yellow = submitted, red = rejected.


Work that needs to be approved by you (as sales manager) is displayed on your start page. Double-click on a record to edit display it; the record is opened in phase 2 (Edit). You cannot edit the record.

Work requiring approval are also displayed in phase 3 if you have the necessary rights. You cannot edit records that require approval.

Click on (Approve) or (Reject) to approve or reject a work report. The Approval status is set to either "Approved" or "Rejected" accordingly.

You can subsequently approve records you have rejected, but cannot approve ones that have already been rejected.