Other Events

Aurea Campaign Manager sends the following event notifications:

Event Description
URLUniform Resource Locator. An Internet address, as well as a standard method of naming files on the Web. A URL begins with a protocol name (such as http), followed by a colon and two forward slashes(//). Next comes the name of the internet server that the file is stored on, followed by directories that hold the file, separated by forward slashes(/). The filename comes last, as shown in the following example: http://www.mycompany.com/whatsnew.htm Click Event When a user clicks on a response URL link in a marketing activity.
Update Boolean Field When the Boolean property value of a target group member is updated.
Update Date Field When a date of a target group member is updated. For example, a member's date of birth.
Update Text Field When a text property of target group member is updated. For example, a member's first or last name.
Update Catalog field When a Select List property of target group member is updated. For example, the target group's country field.