Credit Card/ACH Payment

Learn about payment using Credit/Debit Card in CIS.

To process a Customer’s payment via credit card on a real-time basis, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Administration Menu > Deposit/Payment > Post CreditCard / ACH Payment.
  2. Enter the Customer account number in the Account No. field on the REAL-TIME CREDIT CARD / ACH PAYMENT POSTING page and click on Add button.
    Note: Alternatively, you can access the REAL-TIME CREDIT CARD / ACH PAYMENT POSTING page by searching for the Customer and then navigate to Activity > Post Creditcard / ACH Payment.
  3. Click Make a Payment and select Payment Type.
  4. A form requesting payment details and invoice list is displayed. Enter the following details on the form.

    Fields Description
    Payment Date This is pre-populated as per current date.
    Payment Type Select the payment type.
    Batch No. Enter batch number.
    Name Enter first and last name in their respective fields.
    Address Enter address details.
    Email and Phone number Enter email and phone number.
    Card Details Enter card details of the Customer for whom the payment is being processed.
    Amount This displays total pending amount.
    Applied This is the payment being applied.
    Balance Balance after payment is applied.
    Allow unapplied Balance Check this if payment is not applied to individual invoices.
    Note: If the payment needs to be applied to individual invoices then the fields corresponding to the invoices needs to be filled in the Invoice list.
    Note: If this field is left unchecked then the total of amount corresponding to each invoice must be equal to the applied payment.
    Schedule Future Payments Check this field if the payment is to be applied on a future date. Enter the future date in the date field.
    Post and Clear buttons Click Post to post payment and Clear to clear the form.

Payment using Credit / Debit card need to be secure to avoid misuse of Customer payment information.