Payment Modes

Learn about the different payment collection methods in CIS.

Customers can use the following interfaces to make payments:

Bank Lockbox

This is the most popular mode of payment. Under this service, the payments made by Customers are directed to a special post office box instead of going to the company. The bank goes to the box, retrieves the payments, processes them and deposits the funds directly into the company's bank account. During the end of day processing, the bank sends the payment details in an electronic file format to the CIS system and as the payment details are received, they get posted to the individual Customer account. For more information, see Non-Electronic manual payments

The Pending Payments functionality allows the user to process payments exceptions that did not load to a Customer’s account for a variety of reasons. For more information, see Pending Payments.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Here the end-user dials a phone number provided by the Supplier and then follows the voice-guided responses to make the payment for the bill due using direct debit or ACH payment type.

IVR can be customized according to the business needs of Suppliers.

Bill Pay

Residential or small commercial Customers can access their account, view their bill and make electronic payment using the Bill Pay website.

The Bill Pay site is designed to be run in a frame on the Supplier’s Customer-facing website. The Customers may access the Bill Pay site using their credentials.

Customers can make the payments through different payment methods based on client configuration, which automatically deposits to the clients specified account. Transactions are passed through the CASH module or the direct debit tables which are part of the application.


This CIS application offers important features relevant to commercial Customers who have multiple locations and complex organizations.

The B2B site is a web-based application that allows your Customer to save their payment information, setup a scheduled payment and run customized reports. Customers can make payments using different payment types supported by CIS.

The Customers accessing the B2B site are identified by their unique credentials.


This is an updated version of the B2B portal with new look and feel. The functionality remains same as B2B.

CSR Site

Using this method, the Customer contacts the Customer service representative (CSR) via phone and provides payment details. The CSR uses the Customer Summary Screen to collect and record the Customer’s payment.


The Customer can also walk into the office of the Supplier and makes the payment over the cash-counter to the designated person.

Pay- Stations

Pay stations are established at various convenient vendor locations where the Customer makes the payment through a self-service kiosk.

Customers might be charged an additional convenience fee if they choose to pay using this mode. All the payments processed by the vendors are then consolidated in a file and sent to CIS for it to update to the respective Customer accounts.