Budget Billing

In Budget Billing, CIS provides Customers with levelized billing each month.

Following are the salient features of Budget Billing:

  • It is available for both Residential and Commercial Customers.
  • It is available for both Single ESI ID and Multiple ESI ID invoicing. If Customer has Multiple ESI IDs, all ESI IDs are included in the Budget Billed Amount.
  • The Budget Billing Calculator Tool provides the user means to calculate the Monthly Budgeted amount. This tool uses the last 12 months of historical usage and/or 810 market data if available in the market database. Otherwise, if data is not available, the Client can input data in the User Interface.
  • The system bills the actual monthly kWh received in the 867, but the Invoice Amount Due is the Budget Billing Amount set for the Customer.
  • Actual Reads billed each month is applied with taxes.
  • True-Up occurs based on Customer configuration or upon receipt of a final read, whichever occurs first. It can be done Annually, Quarterly and Semi-annually.
    • True-Up invoices are billed at actual charges plus the Budget Billed balance.
    • You can force a True-Up for a Customer upon demand.
  • AR Summary Information includes the Budget Billed Amount, and not the actual charges.
  • Customer may be removed from Budget Billing upon demand. Upon removal from Budget Billing, the True-Up Process occurs at Customer’s next billing.

The topics below discuss Budget Billing in detail.