Bill Group Management

Bill Groups manage the billing process. Learn to setup and manage bill groups in CIS.

To access it, go to Administration Menu > General > Bill Group Setup.

The Bill Groups page displays a grid that contains Description, Additional notes, Summary and Special Instructions for all the bill groups that exist in the system. It also contains actions to Edit [E] a bill group, add Special Instructions[SI] to a bill group or Add[A] a new bill group.

Adding a Bill Group

To add a Bill Group,

  1. Click [A].
  2. Enter a Bill Group number in the Bill Group Field.
  3. Enter a Description, and Notes to further explain.
  4. Click Add Bill Group when finished.

Editing a Bill Group

To edit an existing Bill Group,

  1. Click [E].
  2. On that same page, it allows you to enter a Description. Add Notes to further explain.
  3. Check the box for Summary BG.
  4. Click Save when finished.

Adding Special Instructions

To add Special Instructions to an existing Bill Group,

  1. Click [SI].
  2. Select from the list of Special Instructions.
  3. Click Update when finished.

A list of options on Special Instructions include:
  • Do Not Print
  • Extra Postage
  • Mail in Same Envelope
  • Summary Billing
  • Insert Required
  • Post Card

    You can choose all Special Instructions that apply to the Bill Group. The chosen Special Instructions shows under Special Instructions column.

Setting a Bill Group to Auto-Invoicing

To set a bill group to auto-invoicing,
  1. Go to Operations > Client Invoice Administration. Click [Configuration] from Quick Links.
  2. On the Invoice Configuration page, click Bill Group Administration.
  3. Click on desired BG (bill group) from Bill Group column.
  4. Click Edit on Bill Group Administration and check Invoice Automated. Click Save.