Defining Explicit Analysis Categories

Here you can learn how to define Explicit Analysis Categories.

To define an explicit analysis category:

  1. Select an explicit analysis category or create a new one. For further details, see Designing Configuration Units.

  2. Specify the following:
    • Label: The multilingual name of the category. This name is displayed in Aurea CRM.Web (in the Category drop-down list and in Drill down/up menus) instead of the underlying field name. The texts are saved in the statcategory_texts text group. For further details, see Texts.
    • Other Label: Values that do not match the defined criteria are automatically aggregated in an "Other" column. You can define a label for this column here.
    • Catalog-Browsing: Check to define explicit analysis categories based on catalog values.

      Select the desired info area and catalog field.

      Note: As explicit analysis categories are not bound to a specific field, CRM.Designer does not automatically know for which field this category is defined and whether this field value is based on a catalog. With this option, you can manually select a catalog-bound field if you want to enter catalog-synchronized values.
      Note: As soon as at least one catalog-synchronized value is stored in the category, CRM.Designer automatically displays one field that references this catalog. Even if it is not the field you selected, it is the same catalog!
  3. Click (New Value) to add the desired values.

    Each value consists of:

    • Value: Uniquely identifies the value.
    • Label: The multilingual name of the value. The texts are saved in the statcategory_texts text group This name is displayed as column header in Aurea CRM.Web. If you do not specify a Label, the value is omitted in analysis results based on this category.
    • Sub-Category: Offered for drill-downs if this explicit analysis category is the current category, or the value for this virtual category is fixed due to a previous drill-down.

    Each value of the underlying category field belongs to one defined category value or the "other" category. The category values are checked from top to bottom. A value belongs to the second category value if it matches the criteria for that value and it does not belong to the first category value.

  4. Click (New Criteria) to specify the range of values of the underlying category field for the value you are defining. Multiple criteria are combined with OR.

    You can use variable expressions for dates ($curDay, $curQuarter+1q etc.), see Using Variable Expressions. Use e.g. YYYY as a placeholder. (You cannot use wildcard expressions with $#### here. For more information on defining date categories. For further details, see Analysis Date Categories.

  5. Click Save.