Residential Customers ready for Disconnect Letter

This alert is designed to identify residential Customers who have past dues.

Transaction Type: Customer Evaluation


  1. Create Workspace Alert entitled “Residential Customers ready for Disconnect Letter Alert”
    1. This alert is designed to identify residential Customers who have been past due on an invoice for a specific period of time.
    2. The time in which the system waits before generating this alert depends on the time in between AR Bucket 1 and AR Bucket 2.
    3. This alert gives the Supplier the option to approve the alert, which generates another event entitled “Alert Approval to send Disconnect Letter”. Refer Alert Approval to Send Disconnect Letter.
  2. Update the Collections Status to 2.
    1. Changing the Collections Status to 2 allows the system to identify Customers that have over $xx in AR buckets 2-4.
    2. The update to the collections status prevents the “Residential Customers ready for Disconnect Letter Alert” from generating duplicate alerts.
  3. Update the Disconnect Status to 1.
    1. Changing the disconnect status from 0 to 1 helps the system identify Customers that have entered the disconnect process.

Data Points:

Data Point Type Is Used? Operator Values
AR Bucket 1 Alt or Standard No
AR Bucket 2 Alt or Standard Yes Aging up from Greater Than xx
AR Bucket 3 Alt or Standard Yes Aging up from Greater Than xx
AR Bucket 4 Alt or Standard Yes Aging up from Greater Than xx
Customer Type Yes = R
Collections Status Yes = 1
Promise to Pay Yes = False
Credit Hold Yes = False
Critical Care Yes = False
Disconnect Status No NA NA
Days to Disconnect No NA NA
Pre Payment Flag No NA NA