Quick Campaigns

Quick campaigns allow you to generate a letter for several recipients, without needing to first add a campaign and associated marketing activities etc.

Quick campaigns are accessible from the result lists for companies, persons and in queries.

  • Rows in query results may include data from multiple records, and may therefore contain multiple recipients that can be used by the quick campaign, see Adding Info Areas.

    If a row contains multiple possible recipients e.g. multiple records in the FI, FP, CP and PE info areas, the last record in the query row (in the last info area defined in the query) is used to determine the recipient.

    If a row does not contain any recipients, but contains data from one or more records, the standard link to the parent record in the last info area defined in the query is used to determine the recipient (e.g. the company a ticket is linked to). If several default links are available, e.g. for a company and a person, the recipient is determined in the order KP/CP/PE/FI.

  • If the results include several pages, only those (selected) persons on the current page are included.

To start a quick campaign:

  1. Select the records you wish to send a letter to in the search or query results list, see Selecting Multiple Records. If you do not select any rows in the results list, the quick campaign is executed for all rows.
  2. Click on (Quick Campaign) or select Quick Campaign from the context menu.
  3. Select a letter template and click on Load. Microsoft Word is started and you can edit the letter.

    The following data is added in the background:

    • A campaign of the type Quick Campaign
    • A marketing activity
    • An activity for each recipient
    • The letter document is added to the marketing activity as a document link
  4. When you close the document, you are informed of which marketing activity the letter was linked to. You can click on the link in the message to open the marketing activity.