
Learn about Process action template within processes.

Use the Process action template (process.aspx) to call a process (via a menu item or button). For further details, see Calling a Process.

You can also start a process from within another process by calling the Process action from a process step. For further details, see Step.

Process Action Parameters

The Process action template supports the following input arguments:


The name of the process to be launched, e.g. NewAppointment, MergeRecords etc.


The record from which the process is launched. The record's uid is passed to the process's input message and used as input argument for the initial step. For further details, see Data Providers.

Record: the current record.

Linked: the parent record of the current record.


An optional link record passed to the process's input message (Record or Linked).


Set to "RequireEnabled". Cannot be changed.

The process called by this action must be available the current user's role, otherwise it can not be executed. For further details, see Roles & CRM Processes.


See createNewTab.


Starts the process in a popup. For further details, see createNewPopup.


When starting a process from a list, query or the calendar you may want to pass more than one record to the process. To do this define the recordSet attribute. Available values:

The record set is written to the Input Message ($in) of the process.

To get the contents of the record set (e.g. as process storage variable) use $.get('recordSet')

To filter the contents of a record set, you can specify one or more info area IDs:

$.get('recordSet').getRecordSet('MA') // only activity records

$.get('recordSet').getRecordSet('MA', 'KM') // only activities and tickets

To get a list of all uids stored in the record set enter:


To read a single record from the record set use the following syntax:




You can list records from a record set on a Process Ask page by using the Records item, For further details, see Records.


If set to true, phases that can not be activated by the user are displayed collapsed.

Default: false.
