
Learn to use ProcessAsk Action template within processes.

Use the ProcessAsk action template to

  • provide information about previous events
  • display the current state of a record
  • provide the user with a list of to-dos for the current process step or phase
  • provide the user with a choice of follow-up steps in a process
  • ask the user a question and fire different events depending on the answer

A Process Ask page consists of

For an example, see Step ProcessAskY1 and Process Ask Configuration ProcessAskY1.

ProcessAsk Action Parameters

The ProcessAsk action template supports the following input arguments:


The name of the Process Ask configuration defining the items and functionality of the Process Ask page. For further details, see Process Ask Configuration.

This parameter is mandatory.


The uid of a record. Use uid1-3 to pass additional records.

The first uid specified in the ProcessAsk action is automatically used for an Expand View item in the Process Ask configuration. (If you have more than one Expand View item on your Process Ask page, you need to specify the required uids as parameter of each Expand View. For further details, see Expand View.)

To pass more than four records to a Process Ask page use the recordSet argument described below.

To use the records passed with uid/uid1-3 in texts on the Process Ask page (see Process Ask Configuration) the following placeholders are available:
  • {RECORD} the table caption of the record passed with uid
  • {INFOAREA} the name of the record's info area
  • {INFOAREAS} the plural of the info area name

The values of RECORD, RECORD1 etc. (i.e. the table captions) are passed to the output message of the Process Ask: You can get these values (e.g. to display in metrics) from $step via the expression $.get('record'), $.get('record1') etc.


The name of a form to be displayed instead of the Process Ask page. If both Name and FormName are specified, FormName is used.


The info area ID to be used for the placeholders {INFOAREA} and {INFOAREAS}.

If undefined, uid is used as a fallback.


Scripts to be loaded on the page.


If you want to display more than four records on a Process Ask page in a Records item use the recordSet argument.

At process startup the record set is written to the Input Message using the recordSet argument of Process, described in ProcessAsk Action Parameters. You can then create a process storage variable containing the record set. In the ProcessAsk step get the records from the process storage by entering e.g. $.get('myRecordSet').

For more information, see Records.

For an example, see Passing Multiple Records to a Process Ask page