Tenants and Catalog Maintenance

Tenant numbers are saved for each catalog value in the Catalog info area in the Maintenance module.

For further details, see Catalog Info Area.

Reps can only select catalog values they can access according to their tenant rights in catalogs that are separated by tenants.

A maximum of 65535 entries can be defined per catalog. This number also cannot be exceeded by the total entries for all tenants. Furthermore, performance suffers when opening catalogs containing around 1,000 entries. This results in the following guidelines for the number of entries:

  • Up to 50 tenants: a maximum of 1,000 entries per tenant
  • Up to 100 tenants: a maximum of 500 entries per tenant
  • Up to 200 tenants: a maximum of 200 entries per tenant

Catalog values must be unique within a tenant. You can define identical catalog values for different tenants. However, avoid adding catalog values without a catalog number that are identical to catalog values assigned to a tenant, as all tenants can also access catalog values with no tenant number assigned.

You can edit the tenant numbers of catalog values in the Catalog info area, see Editing Variable Catalogs.

Note: If catalog texts or tenant numbers are updated when importing data into the catalog table, the Catalog Maintenance info area is updated automatically.

If you use additional tenants to depict catalog values common to several tenants, mix tenant-independent and tenant-dependent catalog values in one catalog, or additional tenants are used to grant have access to other tenant's data, you should ensure that entries in the additional tenants' catalogs are not the same as in the main tenant's catalogs. Firstly, this avoids confusing the user, and secondly, the catalog value assigned to the tenant entered in the record is always used during import, see Import.

If a condition is defined for a tenant-dependent catalog value and a format containing the condition is distributed, users must be able to access the catalog value. In some cases, it may therefore be necessary to duplicate the format for each tenant. You should therefore avoid using conditions applied to tenant-dependent values in formats defined for several or all users.

If configured incorrectly, a user may be able to view catalog values that should be hidden. In this case, for performance reasons, the catalog value is displayed in the mask and the list. When the catalog is opened, the catalog value is not visible.

This can be caused by the following:

  • A catalog is tenant-dependent but appears in an info area which is tenant-independent.

    Solution: Define the info area as tenant-dependent as well.

  • The record contains a catalog value assigned to a different tenant than the record.