mmdb.ini and mmodbc.ini Files

The mmdb.ini and mmodbc.ini files contain Aurea CRM's database settings.

They consist of sections, designated by square brackets.

The entries in the mmdb.ini file for Oracle databases are different from those for MS SQL databases and are therefore described separately.

The [General] section in the mmdb.ini file determines the type of database:





If this option has not been configured, the system checks whether the mmdb.ini file contains either the [MM ORA] or [MM ODBC MSS] section, in order to determine the database type. If both sections are present, Aurea CRM checks whether the file mmora.dll or mmmss.dll is present. If both files are present, you can select the database type from a dialog box when the application is starts.

You can determine which database type is used via command line parameter (--db), see General Aurea CRM Parameters.

The mmodbc.ini file applies to MS SQL databases only.

The mmdb.ini and mmodbc.ini files are located in the …\system\sys directory.