Preventing the Updating of Catalog Values

Learn about the values that cannot be changed to prevent updating of catalog values.

To prevent the unwanted updating of variable catalog values delivered with an Industry Solution, the following values (in the catalog base language) can not be changed (i.e. the respective cells are read-only in the Catalog info area):

  • Tenant
  • External Key
  • Text

This applies to catalog values delivered with an Industry Solution with the following tenant numbers:

  • ISI, FSI: 9000
  • LSI: 9000, 9004, 9005
Note: This restriction is not applied in the Communication module and when importing Industry Solutions with CRM.cockpit.
If you want to change these values anyway, add the following option to the mm.ini file:
Note: Only use this setting in an environment where no further upgrades of the Industry Solution are planned.