Station Number Ranges

Learn about the valid number ranges for stations.

Valid number ranges for station numbers:

  • 1-9999: Station numbers for customers
  • 10000-10003: update-internal station numbers
    • 10000: Base development station
    • 10001: BTB development station
    • 10002: OTC development station
    • 10003: FS development station
  • 10010-10014: update-internal station numbers for additional Base development stations
  • 10020-10024: update-internal station numbers for additional vertical-specific development stations
  • 10100-10104: Station numbers for partners

All other 5-digit station numbers are invalid.

Note: You need a password for station numbers higher than 9999.


If a station number is subsequently changed to a number over 10000, existing data can be migrated accordingly (keys, formats, distributed logic records, rep, document & text IDs) when next starting the Maintenance module. After migrating the data, all *.cfg files containing user-specific settings need to be deleted to prevent unexpected results, see .. \<user name> in the Aurea CRM win Administrator Guide.

When changing station numbers within the 1-9999 range (or from a station number starting from 10000 to a number below 10000), no data is migrated.


Depending on the station number, IDs for user-defined info areas, fields, variables and fixed catalogs, links and indices are assigned from different number ranges, see Number Ranges in Aurea CRM.

Note: On a station with a number > 10000, do not select a user group when e.g. modifying the data model. The station number already determines the number ranges to be used.

Only info areas, fields and catalogs present in all verticals are available in the data model on stations 10000 and 10010-10014. This allows you to create "Base" configurations that can be used by Industry Solutions for all verticals, see Vertical-independent Configuration.

Records created on a station with a station number >= 10000 cannot be deleted on stations with a station number < 10000 (not even by the SU). Exception: Catalog values in variable catalogs can be deleted on all stations (using Aurea CRM win’s catalog maintenance features).

Use the Allow deletion of the following data configuration entry (Business Solutions category) in the Configuration info area to override this behavior: You can specify info areas from which records may be deleted on stations with a station number < 10000, see Business Solutions.