Triggered segments

Triggered segments are segments that contain one or more trigger clauses. These clauses identify a specific event or date that happens when the mailing is to be sent. Anything else about the member that does not specify exactly when the mailing is to be sent is not a trigger clause, but a regular clause. Triggered segments work in conjunction with triggered mailings and sequential mailings. For more information about triggered mail and sequential mailing see New triggered mailing and New Sequential Mailing

The trigger clause identifies the event that causes the mailing to be sent. Still, when you create the triggered mailing, you can specify exactly how long after the event the mailing should be sent. Typically, only one trigger clause is required, but you may want to send the mailing if any one of a list of events occur

Triggered segments are a feature of Aurea List Manager Enterprise, and are unavailable for Standard or Pro Aurea List Manager. For information about upgrading your Aurea List Manager, contact your account executive. If you do not know who your account executive is, or for other queries, contact us through our website.


The trigger clause identifies the event that causes the mailing to be sent. Still, when you create the triggered mailing, you can specify exactly how long after the event the mailing should be sent. In the case where you know the date in advance, such as a member's birthday, you can send the mailing to them a certain amount of time before the date.

Refer to the following topics for more information: