Using segments

Aurea List Manager allows you to send to a segment, or subset, of your list who meet the criteria you define. Instead of sending to your entire list, you can use segments to filter exactly who should get a message based on whatever criteria you choose.

These criteria are created by inserting one or more clauses into your segment.

The segment is a statement about each member that must be true for that member to be included in that segment. You can create a segment by inserting one or more clauses.

For example, if you want to send a message only to those people on your list who work at Company X, but you do not want to create a separate list for those people. By using the Segments > New Segment > Essentials page, you can create a segment that pulls all the members of the list with in their email address. Click Create New Segment, and give your segment a name and a description. Then, specify you want to send to those email addresses with in the domain by adding the following field:

Domain_ =

To send to a segment, you may use the Mailings > New page to select the lists or subsets you want to send to, or you may send an email message to the segment address: