What is new in Aurea List Manager 12

New features

Here are the new features in Aurea List Manager 12:

  • New visual design - The Lyris Aurea List Manager user interface has been updated with a fresh new look. Everything works the way it used to, but the interface has a new, more contemporary feel that enhances the way you engage with the application and its powerful underlying capabilities.
  • Deliverability enhancements: MTA and domain connection limits - With Lyris Aurea List Manager 12, server administrators have even more flexibility and control over their mail sending strategy. Server administrators can manage domain connection limits at the MailStream, Sending Domain and Sending IP level, providing 6 different configuration options. In addition to supporting more granular settings for proactive and reactive throttling, these enhancements also enable a more targeted IP warm-up strategy. For more information, see Domain Connection Limits.
  • Image library update - Lyris Aurea List Manager now stores images within the DB (database) by default for new installations. Customers upgrading to Lyris Aurea List Manager 12 can configure this option for their site so that images can be stored in the database and sent as part of a message. For more information, see Content: Image Library.
  • Enhancements to manage access to member data - Lyris Aurea List Manager 12 includes several modifications that provide administrators with more control over access to member data. Server administrators can configure their site to modify they way members access their survey results and when email confirmations are sent. Also server administrators can configure their site so that the ability to Run Your Own SQL Query is limited to specific users. For more information, Contact Customer Support.
  • More secure passwords - Server administrators can now require all passwords to be even more secure than the strong password setting. If the new option Enforce_secure_passwords is set, when any user is added or passwords is reset, Lyris Aurea List Manager automatically updates how password is being stored. For more information, see Enforcing Secure Passwords.
  • Support for improved encrypted email transmission - Lyris Aurea List Manager can now be enabled to send emails using TLS ( Transport Layer Security) and improved SSL ( Secure Shell Layer ) Security.
  • Upgrade OpenSSL version to stable LTS 1.0.2n - Lyris Aurea List Manager now supports the stable version of OpenSSL ( Open Secure Shell Layer) LTS1.0.2n.
  • Support data encryption between app and Db servers - Lyris Aurea List Manager now encrypts data between the application server and database servers.