How to Use Aurea List ManagerHelp
Use this help system to understand how to use various features of Aurea List Manager.
Navigating the Help
Find the required help topics using:
- Search: Key in the terms to find in the Search box at the top of each topic. Open the topic that best matches your search parameters.
- Top navigation bar: Topics are grouped in the navigation bar according to major features of the product. Click a node or sub-node to locate the required information.
- Related topics: The right-hand bar contains topics related to the currently active topic. Click on a topic to read more.
Topics also include various functionality, such as hyperlinks, that enable you to quickly find and navigate through the help.
Conventions Used in this Help
Convention | Description |
> | Sequential navigational instructions to access a specific function. |
Bold text | Indicates keyboard key names (such as Tab or Enter) and the names of windows, menu commands, buttons, and other user-interface elements. For example, “From the File menu, choose Open.” |
Italics text | Indicates variables or placeholders for values you supply or that might vary from one case to another. |
Monospace typeface
Indicates text that might appear on a computer screen other than the names of user-interface elements, including:
Browser Support
This help system can be used in most web browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3, including Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and 10, and the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.
If you are using Internet Explorer 9 in the Compatibility view mode, certain features may not work. It is recommended to switch off the Compatibility view.