
Use your favorites to store records you access frequently.

Adding Records to Your Favorites

To add a record to your list of favorites:

  1. Switch to the desired record.
  2. Select Add to Favorites from the context menu.

The record is added to your favorites and is displayed in the Favorites info area.

Note: By default, you can add records from the Company, Person in Company and Campaign info areas to your favorites, as well as Property and Opportunity records in the BTB vertical. Your administrator can activate this function for other info areas, see Context Menu Tab in the Desktop topic in the Aurea.CRM win Administrator Guide.

Displaying and Editing Favorites

To display your favorites:

  • Select Info > Favorites from the menu.

Click on Favorites in the icon bar.

  • Use the Ctrl + Shift + F shortcut.

Switch to list view to display all favorites.

Note: If you have administrator privileges, you can view the favorites added for a specific rep by switching to the rep in the Rep info area and selecting Favorites from the context menu.

Columns in the Favorites list


Click on a hyperlink in this column to switch to the corresponding record.


Displays the name of the rep to which this favorite is assigned.

Info Area

The type of favorite (e.g. Person in Company).


Contains text used to sort your favorites. Enter a category or select one of the existing categories from the catalog. You can therefore group your favorites according to various categories.


The favorite is available in Aurea.CRM win.


The favorite is available in Aurea.CRM web, CRM.pad and CRM.mobile.


The favorite is available in CRM.connector.

Context Menu for Favorites

You can determine which favorites are displayed using the context menu. You can combine the following options with one another; i.e. you can display all your own Aurea.CRM win favorites, for example.

My Own

Displays your own favorites. This option is enabled by default.


Only displays those favorites for which the win check box is enabled. This option is enabled by default.


Only displays company records. This option is disabled by default.

Person in Company

Only displays person records. This option is disabled by default.

Note: If your administrator has configured additional info areas that can be added to your favorites, these info areas are also available from the context menu.