Displaying Records

Learn how to display records in Aurea CRM.win

You can display records using the following methods:

  • Select the corresponding info area from the Info menu, and use the navigation arrows ( and ) to navigate to the desired record.
  • Select the corresponding info area from the Info menu, and use the Find buttons ( or ) in the header to search for a record, see Searching.

In many info areas, you can access dependent records using the context menu, see Accessing the Context Menu.

Select an independent info area from the Window menu to switch between open views.

  • In the Company+Person level, you can choose which part (Company or Person in Company) of the mask to display by selecting ViewMask Area from the menu. By default, both options are enabled; i.e. both company and person data is displayed.
  • Select DataPerson-Related Info or DataCompany-Related Info from the menu to limit the display to either company-related or person-related records.
Note: If you add data to a company for which no person is stored, the Company-Related Info and Person-Related Info options have no effect. In this case the record is always added for the company and all dependent records are displayed.