Sending Records as a Link

You can send e-mails containing links to records in Aurea.CRM, e.g. a sales rep can send a status report concerning a visit to their superior.

The recipient can then click on the link in the e-mail's body text and the corresponding record is displayed in Aurea.CRM win, Aurea.CRM web or These e-mails are generated in HTML format irrespective of your current e-mail settings.

Buttons and menu entries can be configured in the desktop settings to provide quick access to these functions, see Desktop in the Aurea.CRM win Administrator Guide.


  • Aurea.CRM win: The station number should be identical for both sender and recipient, otherwise there could be problems with the keys for records that have not been communicated.
  • Links to Aurea.CRM applications other than Aurea.CRM win need to be configured first, see Configuration Info Area (Links category)in the CRM.core Administrator Guide.

To send a record as a link:

  1. Switch to the desired record, and select Edit > Send Record as Link to from the menu.
  2. Select the recipient from the sub-menu. You can select to send the record to a rep, a group, a superior or a deputy.
    • The Rep... menu option opens the Select dialog box, where you can select the desired rep(s).
    • If you select the Rep menu option, then the e-mail is sent to all reps that are entered in the current record.
    • If you select Group then the e-mail is sent to the group's e-mail address. If no e-mail address has been entered for the group, then the e-mail is sent to all the group members' individual e-mail addresses.
  3. If the current level includes more than one info area, then a dialog box opens and you should select an info area, e.g. the Activity Participation level.

    Select the desired info area and confirm with OK.

  4. If documents have been added for the selected record, a dialog box is displayed allowing you to select the desired document.

    Select the document. Alternatively, enable the Select all check box to send all documents.

  5. Confirm with OK.

    The e-mail is displayed in your mail client, where you can edit and send the mail.

    The Subject line contains the name of the info area and the relevant record's reference.

    The e-mail's body text contains the hyperlink to the record. If links to products other than Aurea.CRM win have been configured, links to the record in Aurea.CRM web or are also included.
  6. Edit and send the e-mail.

If the recipient clicks on the hyperlink, the corresponding Aurea.CRM application is started automatically and the record is displayed.