Page Headers

Use page headers to display important information about a parent record, in order to provide context information.

A page header consists of a header text, read-only record information (MiniDetails view) and optional buttons displayed in an extra row or as a context menu.

The following screenshot shows the FI Tree page header of a Company view.

You can define page headers for the following views:

  • Tree view (Tree header)
  • Record-related searches (SearchLinked header)
  • Record-related analyses and queries (special headers)

The following screenshot shows the Tree header configuration page of the FI(Company) header group.

To configure a page header:
  1. Text: If undefined, the default table caption is used. You can either reference a specific table caption (Example in UPDATE_DEFAULT: {INFOAREAIMAGE} 360° View: {RECORD:FITree} for the Tree header for FI) or enter a header Text. For further details, see Header Attributes and Table Captions.

    If taken from the table caption the header text supports line breaks and different formatting for the 1st and subsequent lines. For further details, see Table Captions.

    Text overrules the table caption.

    If you specify an Image, this overrides the image defined in the Text.

  2. Infoareas: To configure the read-only details for the page header, specify an info area with a Fieldgroup: The MiniDetails control definition of that field group is used (FITree in the above example).

    Images, fields with/without labels and icons are supported. For further details, see Field Attributes. Optional graphical elements defined by the Large Image Template field attribute are displayed side by side instead of below each other For further details, see Large Image Template.

    Note: Restriction: The MiniDetails control used in the page header may not have more than 4 rows.
  3. Buttons: If Show buttons in extra line is disabled, they are grouped in a context menu in the bottom right corner of the header. If Show buttons in extra line is enabled, they are displayed as buttons in a second row.

Note: If neither a table caption with line breaks nor an info area is defined, a "normal" header is displayed.