Uploading Configuration Data to the CRM.Designer Database

Learn to upload Configuration Data from the CRM.Designer Database.

You can upload CRM.Designer configurations, packages (see Packages) or a complete CRM.Designer database ("database dump") to your CRM.Designer database.

Note: It is strongly recommended to back up the CRM.Designer database before uploading configuration data.

To upload configuration data to the CRM.Designer database:

  1. On the CRM.bulkloader main page select Upload data into the designer database.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Enter the connection settings to your CRM.Designer database as described above. For further details, see  Downloading Configuration Data from the CRM.Designer Database.
  4. Click Next.

  5. Enter the path to the XML Input folder (containing the configuration as XML files) or browse to the desired location.
  6. Select the desired upload function:
    • Do not import data (only fill TMP tables): Uploads the configuration into temporary tables only. The XML files are uploaded into temporary tables to check the results before overwriting an existing configuration. For further details, see Consistency Check. To finally upload the configuration, select Upload configuration.
    • Upload data model: Used when first installing Aurea CRM.Web and CRM.Designer. For further details, see Setting Up the CRM.Designer Database in the Aurea CRM.Web Installation Guide.
    • Upload configuration (default): Uploads the configuration (located in the XML Input folder) into your CRM.Designer database. If you selected Do not import data (only fill TMP tables) for a previous upload, Upload configuration uploads the configuration from the TMP tables.
    • Upload package into configuration: Uploads a package or a package definition. For further details, see Packages.
    • Upload Dump (requires empty database): Uploads a complete database dump. For further details, see Database Dump. This option is only available for empty CRM.Designer databases.
    Note: If you try to upload a configuration to an invalid or outdated CRM.Designer database, you are automatically redirected to maintenance mode. For further details, see Maintenance.
    Note: If you try to upload a configuration that does not exist in the target database, the system confirms whether the new configuration should be created by CRM.bulkloader. Example - when transferring a configuration from your test environment to your production system.

    However, configurations are created only if its parent configuration already exists in the target database.

    Note: If more than one configuration with the same name as the configuration you are trying to upload exists, the operation is aborted with an error message.
  7. Click Upload. A confirmation message displayed the database connection and the items that is uploaded.

    Note: It is strongly recommended to back up the CRM.Designer database before uploading configuration data.
  8. Click OK. The upload process is launched. A dialog box displays the progress of the upload. The upload process can take a few minutes depending on the amount of data, the speed of the machines and network, etc.

  9. When the upload is completed, a message is displayed. Click OK.