CRM.bulkloader Command Line Parameters

Learn about CRM.bulkloader Command Line Parameters.

<bulkloaders>'s functions can be accessed via the command line.

Use the following syntax:

update.bulkloader <Operation> <Command> [options]

Below operations can be performed:

Download: Downloads designer configurations from your CRM.Designer database

Syntax: update.BulkLoader Download <Command> <-vertical> <-configname> <-languages> <-packageid> <-packagename> <Connection> [Options]

Parameters for the Download operation:






Downloads a complete database dump, i.e. the contents of a whole CRM.Designer database.


Downloads a specific CRM.Designer configuration.

Use the following options with Config:

-vertical:<VerticalName> ...the name of the vertical (Base|BB|BC|FS)

Note: -vertical overrides the vertical specified in the settings.xml file (-configFile).

-configName:<ConfigName> ...the name of the configuration (e.g. UserConfig_XY_Sub0)

-languages:"<Languages>" ...comma-separated list of languages to download (e.g. "English,German"). If undefined, all available languages are exported.

Note: Hidden languages (Visible unchecked on the Language Settings page) are not exported.
Note: Download at least two languages, even if you only need one. The additional language does not have significant impact on the size of the XML files and the software. If the XML files contain only one language, upon upload CRM.bulkloader assumes that you are uploading a language pack.


Downloads a specific package from a given configuration.

Use the following options with Package:


-configName:<ConfigName> ...the name of the configuration where the package is defined


-packageid:<packageId> ...the numeric package ID

-packagename:<PackageName> ...the name of the package

Note: You need to specify either -packageid or -packagename. If both are defined, -packageid is used.


Downloads the Aurea CRM data model as currently present in the CRM.Designer database.

Use the -vertical:<VerticalName> option with DataModel.


Specify the connection to the CRM.Designer database.

-datasource:"<connection string>"

The connection string to the CRM.Designer database, e.g. -datasource:"Data Source=<DBserver>;Initial Catalog=<DB>;UID=<loginName>; PWD=<plaintextpassword>"

To use single sign-on you need to specify the DSN:

Example: DSN for SQL driver with single sign-on enabled:

-datasource:"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=mysqlserver;Initial Catalog=mydatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

For information on how to enable single sign-on, refer to the documentation of your database driver.


The settings.xml file containing the connection string (designerDsn) and default download folder (<XMLFilePath>), e.g. -configFile:" c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml "

Note: You need to specify either -datasource or -configFile. If both are defined, -configFile is used.




Displays full progress information on screen.


Path where the XML files are downloaded to, e.g. -xmlFilePath:"c:\temp\xml"

Note: You must specify an existing path. CRM.bulkloader does not create new folders.
Note: -xmlFilePath overrides the <XMLFilePath> setting stored in the settings.xml file.


Path and name of the log file. If undefined, no log is written.


Automatically answers all prompts during download with "Yes".


Database timeout in seconds (default = 300 seconds)


update.bulkLoader.exe Download All -configFile:" c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml " -xmlFilePath:" c:\temp\xml\dump "

Dumps the complete database (connection specified by -configFile) to the specified folder (-xmlFilePath).

update.bulkLoader.exe Download Config -configName:CustomizedCore_Config -vertical:BB -languages:"English,German" -configFile:" c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml " -verbose

Downloads the configuration CustomizedCore_Config for the BTB vertical and the languages English and German to the default XML folder. The database connection and default XML folder are read from c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml.

update.bulkLoader.exe Download Package -vertical:BB -configName:UserConfig_XY_Sub0 -packageName:MyPackage -configFile:" c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml " -xmlFilePath:" c:\temp\xml "

Downloads the package "MyPackage" from the specified vertical and configuration to the specified folder.

Upload: Uploads a designer configuration into your CRM.Designer database

Syntax: update.bulkloader Upload <Command> <Connection> [Options]

Parameters for the Upload operation:






The configuration is only uploaded to temporary tables (TMP_PORTAL*).


The configuration is uploaded directly into the PORTAL* tables.


Uploads a CRM.Designer package into a configuration.

Use the following options with Package:

-ConfigName:<ConfigName> ...the name of the configuration to which the package is uploaded

-OnlyDefinition ...if specified, only the package definition is uploaded.


Uploads the Aurea CRM data model into the CRM.Designer database.


Creates the database structure and uploads a database dump (only works with an empty database).


Creates the CRM.Designer database structure.



Specify the connection to the target database.

-datasource:"<connection string>"

The connection string to the CRM.Designer database, e.g. -datasource:"Data Source=<DBserver>;Initial Catalog=<DB>;UID=<user name>; PWD=<plaintextpassword>"


The settings.xml file containing the connection string (designerDsn) and default upload folder (<XMLFilePath>), e.g. -configFile:"c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml"

Note: You need to specify either -datasource or -configFile. If both are defined, -configFile is used.




Displays full progress information on screen.


Path to the configuration files to upload, e.g. -xmlFilePath:"c:\updateCRM\bb\designer_Configuration\SubConfiguration\MyConfig"

Note: -xmlFilePath overrides the <XMLFilePath> setting stored in the settings.xml file.


Path and name of the log file. If undefined, no log is written.


Automatically answers all prompts during upload with "Yes".


Database timeout in seconds (default = 300 seconds)


Creates a non-existing configuration on upload, if possible.

A configuration can only be created if its parent configuration already exists in the target database.


update.bulkloader.exe Upload Final -configFile:" c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml " -verbose -y

Uploads a configuration using the XmlFilePath and database credentials defined in the settings.xml specified by -configFile.

update.bulkloader.exe Upload Dump -configFile:" c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml " -xmlFilePath:" c:\updateCRM\designer\myDump "

Uploads a database dump located at the path specified by -xmlFilePath to the database specified by -configFile.

Note: It is strongly recommended to back up the CRM.Designer database before uploading configuration data.

Datamodel: Updates the CRM.Designer database with the current data model, CRM processes, roles and catalogs from the Aurea CRM database

Syntax: update.bulkloader DataModel <Command> <Connection> [UpdateOptions] [CatalogOptions] [ProcessOptions] [Options]

Parameters for the Datamodel operation:






Updates the CRM.Designer database with the current Aurea CRM data model.


Updates the CRM.Designer database with the catalogs currently defined in Aurea CRM.


Updates the CRM.Designer database with the CRM processes and roles currently defined in Aurea CRM.





The path to the designer web service, e.g. http://localhost/update/


The Aurea CRM user name used to log on to the designer web service.



The password used for login to the designer web service.


The language used for login to the designer web service.(e.g. eng or ger). If undefined, eng is used as default.

For the three-character language codes, >> Language IDs in the CRM.Core Administrator Guide.



Use with the Update command.


Fills only the temporary tables.



Use with the Catalog command.


Comma-separated list of variable catalogs to synchronize. Enter * for all.


Comma-separated list of fixed catalogs to synchronize. Enter * for all.


Synchronizes catalogs by code.



Use with the Process command. If undefined, both CRM processes and roles are updated.


Fills only the temporary tables.


Updates CRM processes only.


Updates roles only.





Enables single sign-on. -user and -password are ignored.


Path and name of the log file. If undefined, no log is written.


Automatically answers all prompts with "Yes".

Maintenance: Creates or upgrades the CRM.Designer database

Syntax: update.bulkloader Maintenance <Command> <Connection> [Options]

Parameters for the Maintenance operation:






Creates the CRM.Designer database structure.


Upgrades the CRM.Designer database structure to the current version.


Re-creates the stored procedures.


Re-creates the TMP tables.



Specify the connection to the CRM.Designer database.


"<connection string>"

The connection string to the CRM.Designer database, e.g. -datasource:"Data Source=<DBserver>;Initial Catalog=<DB>;UID=<loginName>; PWD=<plaintextpassword>"


The settings.xml file containing the connection string (designerDsn), e.g. -configFile:"c:\updateCRM\bb\web\system\settings\settings.xml"

You need to specify either -datasource or -configFile. If both are defined, -configFile is used.





Displays full progress information on screen.


Path and name of the log file. If undefined, no log is written.


Automatically answers all prompts with "Yes".


Database timeout in seconds (default = 300 seconds)

Note: It is strongly recommended to back up the CRM.Designer database before upgrading the database structure.