Data Model References

Learn about Data Model References.

When a configuration is exported with CRM.bulkloader, the entire data model is also written to the CRM.bulkloader XML files – this means that tables and fields that are marked as deleted but referenced within the exported configuration are exported as well. Tables and fields that are marked as deleted and not referenced within the exported configuration are not exported.

You might face problems when importing configurations to another CRM.Designer database if your configuration has multiple references to different deleted tables that have the same info area ID, or fields that have the same unique field ID. To avoid this problem, check the Data Model References section of the CRM.Designer to show all references to tables or fields that are marked as "deleted".

Although it is not necessary to completely remove references to deleted tables and fields for the export / import to work properly, it is highly recommended to clear your configurations from such references – they may cause unpredictable behavior of the configured application.

When a configuration is imported the following steps take place to adjust the data models of the designer database and the imported configuration:

  1. (only for root configurations) Clear the "deleted" flag from tables that are contained in the imported root configuration but are marked as deleted in the CRM.Designer database
  2. Add tables that are only contained in the imported configuration. If a root configuration is imported, the tables are imported (and the "deleted" flag is set depending on the flag’s state in the imported configuration), for sub configurations they are always imported marked as deleted.
  3. (only for root configurations) Clear the "deleted" flag for fields that are contained in the imported root configuration but are marked as deleted in the CRM.Designer database
  4. Add fields that are only contained in the imported configuration (as with tables, either marked "deleted" or not for root configurations, and always flagged "deleted" for sub configurations). If possible, the fields are added with unique field ID = field ID.
  5. (only for root configurations) Field Information (name, type, catalog number, …) is updated for existing fields
  6. All table and field references in the configuration to be imported are changed so they match the data model in the destination designer.