Process Storage Variables

Learn about the Process Storage Variables

When a process is launched, it creates the process storage as defined in the Process Storage Variables section of the process configurationFor further details, see Process.

A process storage variable is defined by Name, Data Provider and Value.

You can define variables for any type of data: record uids, query results, field values, the answer from a web service etc.

The process storage is always created and updated at runtime. Exception: Constant values (Data Provider "none") are only loaded at process startup. (To access "historical" data in your process, you need to write it to a field in the database.)

Since the process storage is reloaded with every process step, defining a lot of process storage variables may affect the performance. Therefore, use the process storage only for values that you really need throughout the entire process.

Available data providers:

  • Input Message ($in): All process storage variables with source $in must have a value. If a value is missing the process is terminated with an error.
  • Custom external data providers, if defined. For further details, see External Data Providers
  • none: fixed values or functions

Accessing the process storage:

  • Phases have read-only access to the process storage: You can use values from the process storage to determine the phase's current state and for displaying phase metrics. For examples, see Phase CreateY1 and Phase AddY2
  • Steps can both read from and write to the process storage. For an example, see Step CreateY1.