Configuring a Dynamic Filter

Learn to configure a dynamic filter.

To configure a dynamic filter:

  1. Create a field group for the source info area, i.e. the info area from which the filter values are retrieved.
  2. Create a List control and add the field(s) you want to use as filter values.
  3. Enter a parameter name as Function. (You can enter any text (without spaces), but best practice is using the field's XML name.)
  4. Define the filter.
  5. Add the above defined parameter as filter value (using the syntax $par<name>).
    Note: Date/time calculations with $par expressions are currently not supported.
  6. Add the field group and filter to the action configuration:
    • the field group as sourceCopyFieldGroupName
    • the filter as fixedFilterName.

For more details, see the examples below:


Searching for persons with the same Country as the parent company via a button in the FI Expand header:

Field group for sourceCopyFieldGroupName: e.g. FI.DynamicFilter - List control:

Filter definition for fixedFilterName, e.g. KP.CountryFI:

Search action defined for a new button in the FI Expand header:

In this case, the parent record is defined by link. You can use the sourceUid parameter to pass another parent.

Clicking on the button opens a linked search that automatically displays only linked KP records with the same country as the parent FI record.

If the user enters additional search criteria, they are combined by logical AND.

Related Data

The above example can also be implemented for sub-lists:

FI SearchSublist and ExpandChildren headers

Enter sourceCopyFieldGroupName,FI.DynamicFilter as SubListParams.

The KP sub-lists for FI are filtered by the country of the parent company.


  • The Text (04) sub-lists display all available translations of a text record. Configured in the SearchSublist and ExpandChildren headers of header group 04 with Filter 04.BaseLanguageFilter using field group 04.AllTexts.
  • The Station configuration (T0) sub-list contains only the record defined for the selected station (AS). Configured in the SearchSublist and ExpandChildren headers of header group AS with Filter T0.ForStation using field group AS.ParametersForT0.

Quick Add

Generic quick add page for offers - filtering the item list by the parent record's Product Group:

Field group for sourceCopyFieldGroupName: e.g. PR.DynamicFilter - List control:

Filter definition for fixedFilterName, e.g. AR.ProdGrPR:

SerialEntry action e.g. defined for A_SerialEntryAP:

The item list displays only items (AR) with the same product group as the parent offer (PR).

Record Selector

Record selector for the Event Location field in the Marketing Activity (AK) info area - filtering for companies with the same Country as the marketing activity:

Field group for sourceCopyFieldGroupName: e.g. AK.DynamicFilter - List control:

Filter definition for fixedFilterName, e.g. FI.CountryAK:

Select-Function defined for the Event Location field in the AK Details control:
		infoAreaId: "FI",
		useAutoSearch: true,
		fixedFilterName: "FI.CountryAK",
		sourceCopyFieldGroupName: "AK.DynamicFilter"

Clicking on the record selector icon opens a linked search that automatically displays only FI records with the same country as the current AK record.

If the user enters additional search criteria, they are combined by logical AND.