Working with filter for multiple info areas

Configuring to use multiple filters in a selectRecord function when two or more info areas exists.

To use multiple filters in a selectRecord function when two or more info areas exist the following configuration is required.

To enable multiple filters with more than one info area:

  1. Use CRM.Designer to create filters for two different info areas. For example - FI.CompanyCity and KP.ContactName.
  2. In CRM.Designer add text field with selected record in some third info area filled group control search. For example, select record for filter in FI and KP as shown below:
          from: {showFilter:true, 
          infoareas:[{infoAreaId: "FI", filter: "FI.CompanyCity"}, {infoAreaId: "KP", filter: "KP.ContactName"}], 
          useAutoSearch:true } 
  3. Open CRM.web and locate the info area where the search field is added. Use the selected text field to search for Company and FI.CompanyCity. In case you search for Contact Person, the KP.Company name is also applied to the search.