Save Multiple Notifications to a Template

A template can have more than one notification linked to it. This means that you can model a template:

  • To send one and only one notification. In this case, the Send All Notifications launch option is not selected and there is only one notification linked to the template.
  • To send one notification, but which can be different depending on the situation. In this case, the Send All Notifications launch option is not selected and only one of several notifications linked to the template is selected.
  • To send different notifications at the same time to different people, each with different tasks. In this case, the Send All Notifications launch option is selected and several notifications are linked to the template.

Compose a template notification:

Use the features on the Compose and Advanced Options tabs. For a description of these features, see Compose Notification.

  1. In the Compose tab, click To... to select the notification recipients.
  2. In the Subject line, enter a notification subject.
  3. In the Message text box, enter a notification message.
  4. In the Responses text box, click New to enter a new response, or click Edit to enter the default one.
  5. In the Advanced Options tab:
  • Click Scheduling to set up the notification schedule and recurrence.
  • Click Email Status to set up emailing the results of this notification.
  • Click Normal to select a priority for the notification.
  • Click Require Pin to require a pin for this notification.
  • Click Hotline to set up hotline call back instructions.
  • Click Device Retry to set up the maximum number of call retries.

Add a second notification to a template:

  1. Click the More Notifications button at the bottom of the Notification Templates window.
  2. In the Notifications list box, click New to create a totally new notification, click Clone to create a copy of the currently open notification.
  1. Create the new notification, or edit the cloned notification, as you would create or edit any notification.
  2. When you have finished creating notifications, all of them are listed in the template Notifications list box. These notifications are linked to this notification template. The following is an example of an Inclement Weather template having a list of notifications.

  1. When you are finished with the template, click Save & Close to save it in the template library and close it or click Save & Open in the Alert Console to save it in the template library and to review it in the Alert Console.

Notification templates enable you to send out a series of different communications related to an incident all at the same time. This is the case in the following example since the Send All Notifications launch option is selected.

In the following example of a Hurricane Alert, the Send All Notifications option is not selected. In this example, only the Hurricane Alert for a Category 1 notification, the selected notification, would be sent.

You can also delete a notification by selecting a notification in the template Notifications list box and clicking Delete.

You can choose to hide the notifications list by clicking Hide Notifications at the bottom left of the Notifications list box.