Save an Existing Notification as a Notification Template

Any existing notification can be saved as a notification template. You might want to do this if the notification could be used in the future.

To save an existing notification as a notification template:

  1. In the left navigation menu Administrator section, click Teams.
  2. Select a team to make that your active team context.
  3. In the left navigation menu Notifications section, click Sent Notifications. The Sent Notifications page for your current team context appears.
  4. Locate the notification your want to save as a notification template. You can sort the list by type, subject, or sent time. Use the Next and Prev buttons to navigate through the list of notifications.
  5.  To search by Subject, use the starts with, contains, and end with options and type the subject (or part of the subject) you are searching for. Click Search. A list of notifications that meet your search criteria displays. You can also click the down arrow next to Search to search by one or more of these fields:
  • Sent by
  • Sent to
  • Type (Announcement, First Responder)
  • Priority (Test, Low, Normal, High)
  • Sent time (Sent After or Sent Before. Click the calendar icon to select a date, then enter a time.)
  1. Double-click the name of the notification you want to save as a notification template. The Viewing Notification page appears. This page shows responses to the notification as well as basic information about the notification and delivery options for the notification.
  2. Click Save As Notification Template. The Editing Notification Template page displays.
  3. Edit any template features that you might want to edit. See Edit a Notification Template.
  4. Click Save and Close to save the template, Save and Open in Alert Console to save it and review it in the Alert Console, or Cancel to cancel the operation. If saved, the new template is listed on the Notification Templates page.
  5. Click Close to close the Viewing Notification page.