Edit a Notification Template


None of your edits are saved to the server until you click Save. Click Cancel to close the Editing Notification Template window without saving the edited template.

To edit a notification template:

  1. Go to your team’s Notification Templates page. See View a List of Notification Templates.
  2. In the Notification Templates library page, select the template to be edited. This displays the Editing Notification Template window.


The Editing Notification Template window contains the same template features as the Create Notification Template window. The only difference is that the notification template being edited already has a title, description, selected launch options, and one or more notifications linked to it.

  1. Edit the features as required. See Select a Template Icon, Select Template Launch Options, and Save Multiple Notifications to a Template for explanations of how to edit these items.
  2. Click Save and Close or Save and Open in Alert Console. The edited template is saved in your team's Notification Templates library page and closed or opened for review in the Alert Console, depending on your choice of buttons.