Clone Notification Template to Team(s)

Clone one or more Notification Templates to one or more teams.

To clone notification template(s) to team(s):

  1. Go to your team’s Notification Templates page. See View a List of Notification Templates.
  2. Select the template(s) to be cloned. Shift-click to select several contiguous templates. Control-click to select individual templates
  3. In the tool bar, click the More... > Clone to Team(s) button. This brings up the Teams pane, which displays all the teams you have permission to access.

  1. Select the team or teams that the template(s) are to be cloned to. Shift-click to select several contiguous teams. Control-click to select individual teams
  2. Click Clone to clone the notification template(s).

The Notification Templates page displays, with the new template(s), which can be edited as desired.