Correspondence Configuration Tables

Here you can refer to the correspondence events and key correspondence configuration tables.

The information below is a description of all the different tables used by the correspondence application to record, process and deliver notifications to the accounts.

Following are the key correspondence configuration tables:

(CSD) Delivery Tables

Name Purpose
Content Stores the content of a sent message.
ContentHistory History of the content created.
ContentItem Type Category or type of message needed, ex. Payment confirmation.
ContentStatus Status of the content created.
Delivery Stores the metadata details of the correspondence.
DeliveryBatch Stores the 'batches' of correspondence created.
DeliveryBatchHistory History of the batch created.
DeliveryBatchItem Stores the details of the batch.
DeliveryDemand The record of what delivery is demanded upon request.
DeliveryHistory History of the delivery attempt.
DeliveryStatus All known status for delivery.
DeliveryType Defines delivery types.
DocumentFormat Format of the document to be delivered.
Layout The specific layout to use for notification
LayoutFormat Location of the layouts on the system.
LayoutFormatHistory Empty
TechnologyType Defines if Crystal reports, Active Reports etc.

(CSE) Engine Tables

Name Purpose
EmailAddress Stores email addresses and status for all accounts.
EmailAddressStatus Defines status of the email.
EmailAddressStatusHistory Historical data for the email address.
EmailRequest The requested email message is stored here.
EmailRequestAttachment Currently empty - place to store data for attachments.
EmailRequestValidation Data storage for email verification requests.
EmailRequestValidationHistory History for the data storage for email verification requests.
EmailRequestValidationRequestStatus Defines the different status' for email requests.

(CSP)Preferences Tables

Name Purpose
Category Defines category of notice.
CategoryType Defines type of notice.
CategoryTypeDeliveryFrequency How often to deliver notice.
CategoryTypeDeliveryType Links categories to delivery type.
CategoryTypeField Used to send the 'low balance below $X' notice.
Customer Stores the Prospect / Customer ID for use and creates a preference Customer id.
DeliveryFrequency Defines the frequency of delivery for all notices.
DeliveryStatus Defines the status of delivery for all notices.
DeliveryType Defines the delivery type (Mail, Email or SMS) for all notices.
Document Defines the document to use for a specific category.
DocumentLayout Links Document to Layout to use
DocumentLayoutType Inserts a page (insert) for promotion purposes apart from the invoice.
EmailAddress Customers email address (can be multiple / account).
EmailAddressStatus Defines the status of an email address.
EmailDelivery Record of the email delivered and its status.
MailAddress Currently empty.
MailAddressStatus Defines the status of a mail address.
MailDelivery Currently empty.
PhoneNumber Stores the phone number for SMS messages.
PhoneNumberStatus Defines the status of a phone number.
PhoneNumberType Defines the type of a phone number.
Preference Stores the preferences of delivery for the account by preference Customer id.
PreferenceCcategoryTypeField Currently empty.
PreferenceDeliveryType Links preference ID to delivery type.
PreferenceEmailAddress Currently empty.
PreferenceMailAddress Currently empty.
preferencePhoneNumber Currently empty.
Request Table that stores all requests sent for notifications.
RequestStatus Defines the status of the requests.
SmsDelivery Records delivery of the SMS messages.

(DBO) Tables

Name Purpose
Note Stores all the details of call log.
NoteCallType Defines the type of call.
NoteDepartment Defines the department responsible for the call log entered.
NoteDetail Defines the details of the call log.
NoteDocument Stores the document uploaded with the call log.
NotePriority Defines the priority of the call log.
NoteStatus Defines the status of the call log.
NoteType Defines the type of call log.
NoteTypeDetail Provides the description of the call log type.